Atlas Notification System
A customer communication system is offered by PUC to provide direct telephone notifications to customers in advance of planned service interruptions.
When PUC staff are scheduling work, we will identify the areas that will be affected by the planned interruption in service. Utilizing a geographic mapping tool and PUC’s Customer Information Database, affected customers will be identified. An auto-dialing system will then issue phone call notifications to those customers 24 to 48 hours in advance of the planned service interruption.
To ensure notifications will be received, PUC customers should confirm their account information is current.
To update or verify your contact information, please sign in using your account number and a meter number (if you have both electric and water service with the PUC, you will have two meter numbers - either will work). Use the image below to help you find these numbers on your PUC statement.
Customer ExperienceTeam: 705-759-6522 or